Sunday, October 7, 2007

Rilo Kiley @Webster Hall, Sept. 22nd-23rd

(Sorry this post is long overdue, but my life has been crazy-busy for the past month or so. Mostly awesome, if you're keeping tabs. And I don't even have the excuse of seeing too many gigs, as these two shows were my only concerts for the month of September. Hard to believe? Qbertplaya may be heading down a new path...)

I heart Blake Sennett; I am madly in love with Jenny Lewis. So it was a no-brainer for me to scoop up tix to see Rilo Kiley two nights in a row at the dreaded Webster Hall. While I am still deciding whether I love their latest cd, seeing them live cemented why I cannot get enough of these cutie pies. They played a perfect mix of songs from all their albums. And they've always exhibited a good sense of professionalism and playfulness that make you feel like you're really part of something dear.

Rilo Kiley holds a special place in my heart. I normally don't bother seeing a band so many times, especially during a single tour, but these two shows marked my 6th and 7th times seeing them in the last few years. So friggin' CUTE!!!

Anyway, here are the long overdue videos:

1. "Portions for Foxes" (9/22):

2. "Breakin' Up" (9/22):

3. "Ripchord" (9/22):

4. "With Arms Outstretched" (9/23):

5. "Greetings in Braille" (The Elected cover) (9/23):

God, I love Rilo Kiley!!

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