The French Kicks @Pratt, Apr. 28th
Friday after work, decided to head to the campus of Pratt Institute located in Brooklyn's Fort Greene neighborhood. They hosted a free outdoors concert with an assortment of indie rock bands including the headlining French Kicks, a band that has enjoyed moderate success in the New York scene. Unfortunately for me, the first act started around 4pm, so by the time I got to the main lawn on campus, it was nearly 8, so I was able to catch two songs by some other band, and then the French Kicks. Good thing it was free!
Andie and the Julies came and met me on the grass for this one. The setting was great. There's a large concrete area in front of the library that served the stage. I was easily able to grab a spot in the front center where I could sprawl out. It did get a little chilly as the sun set, but I was able to do some stretching and situps that would have made Shifu happy.
The French Kicks played for about 45 minutes. I was not totally familiar with their music, but they sounded akin to the Walkmen or Strokes. Same family, I guess. Good sound, but probably nothing I'll ever pay bucks to see as a headliner. If it were a smidgen warmer, it would have been perfect, lying there on the grass under the trees.
The four of us felt like infiltrators, being that the rest of the crowd was probably in the midst of studying for finals. A bunch of them danced in front of us in front of the band, like a scene straight out of the OC. I was just happy to get home before 11 -- I had kung fu the next morning, ya know!